CrossRoads of Daytona Beach is dedicated to presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Daytona Beach area and the world.
We are excited to have you visit with us during the week, and we want to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Check out the expandable items below to find out what to expect at CrossRoads.
We have plenty of paved parking on site. If it is your first time at CrossRoads, we have made it easy for you! Reserved for our guests are multiple parking spaces right in front of our main entrance.
Upon arriving at CrossRoads, you will enter right through our main entrance. This building connects to both our Worship Center and Kids Check-In. So no matter who you are, this will be the entrance for you!
Our Kids Check-In is staffed with many volunteers who will be thrilled to help you get your children checked in to one of our children's classes through our safe and secure check-in system. Questions? Our volunteers will explain the process and answer any questions you may have pertaining to our Children's Ministry and Nursery.
If you are a visitor without children, we have a Welcome Center right inside our main entrance with volunteers who will gladly answer any questions you may have, as well as guide you to the Worship Center.
We have several options for when you arrive in the church auditorium. There is main seating on the ground floor plus balcony seating to help give everyone clear visibility of the service. We have volunteer ushers to assist you as you enter our Worship Center.
Our service times are at 9:00 and 11:00 AM every Sunday morning and Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. Arriving 15 minutes early will help you find a parking space and give you plenty of time to speak with one of our Welcome Center volunteers. A typical worship service runs just over an hour.
Here at CrossRoads you can expect to see a variety of attire, from dressy to casual, from suits to blue jeans. Everyone on the platform is dressed in modest attire so as not to draw attention to themselves but rather to point people to Jesus Christ!
We would like to share with you a few of the reasons why we exist. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us!
We exist to serve and grow closer to God. This is our sole purpose here at CrossRoads Church. It is our hope that through our services and ministries that you are given the tools to build a better relationship with Christ.
We exist to build healthy relationships with other believers. We want to build a community that people can rely on for any need. We do our best to build a family atmosphere here at CrossRoads Church. When you walk through our doors, you become family.
We exist to serve others. It is our goal to go outside the walls and serve our community. We hope that when you join our family that you will carry the same ideals with you. We exist not to be the best church in our community, but the best church for our community.
Rich Costanza
Pastor Rich Costanza, our Lead Pastor, holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership. Rich and his wife Cathy have made CrossRoads their church home since 1996! They are blessed to have 4 married children, a few grandkids, and one son still at home, Elijah. Rich and Cathy love to see people learn, grow, and connect both with God and with each other.
Cody Holland
Cody Holland, our associate pastor, started attending CrossRoads in 2012 and joined the church staff in 2022. He first came to CrossRoads to serve in the Deaf Ministry. Cody and his wife Michele have three children, two dogs, fish, and a tortoise. Cody loves building relationships with others and seeing them grow in Christ!
Wade Rowdon
Pastor Wade Rowdon became the assistant pastor at CrossRoads in 2025. Before that, Wade faithfully served as a deacon at CrossRoads for several years. Wade has a background in the financial management industry and, before that, a stint playing baseball in the major leagues. Wade and his wife Rose have three grown children and several grandchildren.
Was formally named Daytona Beach Baptist Church and founded by Pastor John Strutz.
Church attendance started at an average of 90 people
Construction of the 700-seat auditorium chruch building was finished
Outreach was made a top priority
The name change to CrossRoads went into effect in 2005
Auditorium was remodeled and updated
Built Connections Center with public indoor playground and new CrossRoads Coffee House
Our current pastor, Rich Costanza, was voted lead pastor